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Drought Hazards

As dams dry up, they become a bogging hazard for stock which then have to be removed from that paddock. This cow got back into that paddock without our knowledge, and desperate for water, waded in. She had to be shot as by the time she was found, she was about to suffocate and would be attacked by meat ants. Then, next day, she had to be removed before she polluted the next lot of water. Here is the sequence of events that followed.

Click on an image for a larger view.

2014-1-Shoot-the-poor-cow 2014-1-Shoot-the-poor-cow
2014-2-Preparation 2014-2-Preparation
2014-3-Contemplating-the-job 2014-3-Contemplating-the-job
2014-4-Laying-the-path 2014-4-Laying-the-path
2014-5-Mud-surfing 2014-5-Mud-surfing
2014-6-Swatting-meat-ants 2014-6-Swatting-meat-ants
2014-7-Roll-up-the-sleeves 2014-7-Roll-up-the-sleeves
2014-8-Threading-the-wire 2014-8-Threading-the-wire
2014-9-Ready-to-pull 2014-9-Ready-to-pull
2014-10-Out-of-the-ooze 2014-10-Out-of-the-ooze
2014-11-Final-rest 2014-11-Final-rest
2014-12-Smoko-at-last 2014-12-Smoko-at-last
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