What is Sherana?
Why cattle and sheep?
Why Damara sheep?
Why Braford cattle?
Our Damara flock
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More Information


Damara Sheep: info@damaras.com
Dorper Sheep: info@dorpers.info
Senepol Cattle: info@senepols.biz
Meatmaster Sheep: info@meatmasters.biz

Links to other Websites:

Dawie du Toit
Oklahoma State University
Why Grass Fed is Best


The Damara Sheep in Southern Africa by C M du Toit, Damara Sheep Breeders Society.

Awassi Fat Tail Sheep: An Opportunity for Diversification by RJ Lightfoot, WA Dept Agriculture.

Damara Sheep in Western Australia by Rachel Hills and Matthew Young, Agwest Trade and Development.


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  [What is Sherana?] [Why cattle and sheep?] [Why Damara sheep?] [Why Braford cattle?]
  [Our Damara flock] [Photo Album] More Information [Newsletters] [Contact us]

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